Teresa And Fashions Gift Set

aThe Barbie Fashionistas are a very fashionable tribe of friends who love to embrace new trends. This season is all about playing with color, and these girls have jumped right in, looking brilliant in all shades of the rainbow. To add to their fashionably fierce wardrobes, they love to shop at unique boutiques that suit their unique styles. Each of these fabulous sets comes with three stylish outfits, three irresistible pairs of shoes and FAB accessories to mix and match from head to toe, just like arriving home from a shopping spree! Everything looks so FAB, these friends will always shop and never drop! The Mattel website description at the link below is actually for the Barbie and Summer giftsets released in 2013. Both 2011 Barbie and Teresa and 2013 Barbie and Summer sets have the same assortment number so they are meant to be connected, part of a multi-year series so I’m going to include the non-item number specific details of that description.
Q: Why no detailed description?
A: Time. I want to get as many identified pictures up as soon as possible. I am using the categories and tags as keywords that show up at the bottom of each page. This will make searching by keywords such as pink, skirt, boots, plaid etc. productive even when I don’t have time to write a full description. If there is a description on barbie.mattel.com or service.mattel.com I will include that.
Q: Why don’t you have keywords for all items in this complete fashion pack or doll and fashion set?
A. Time and organization and avoiding confusing search results. I will add keywords to the complete post only when there is also an individual post for an item. If I have a complete post like Varsity Look Fashion Pack with multiple pieces of Barbie clothes, shoes, and accessories I will add keywords like brown, heels, dress, floral, etc. only for the fashions, shoes or accessories that have their own posts. This helps me keep track of what items in the fashion pack I have individual pictures for and which I still need to find. This also keeps the search results useful. When you search “pink heels” you want to see a bunch of close-up pictures of just pink heels, not a bunch of pictures of fashion packs that you then need to click on and then try to figure out what in that fashion pack you are really looking for. This is especially a problem with some fashion packs where you can’t easily see everything, or doll boxes where you can’t see the shoes at all.a