To keep costs down (I use namecheap to host) I am no longer paying for Content Views and FooGallery plugins or Premium Shared Hosting and as soon as I can afford it, or if namecheap lowers the price I will add it again.
I am reducing the amount of photographs so I can move to a cheaper hosting plan. I had over 20 Gigabytes of files!! For now I’m leaving up the most popular articles: my Fashion Avenue Guide and Doll Guides. I encourage everyone to download my photos and articles and ask only that you give credit with a link back to my website. It will be more tedious to download without the pro plugins. You will have to download one at a time, and on some browsers may have to go to the page source code to get the actual image links, but for now this is the best I can do.
Based on downloads the most popular images are the full view in the box images of dolls and fashions, so I will focus on uploading lines these kind of images instead of building the database you can search with terms like “blue flower skirt” or “pink boots” and get back of a bunch of pictures of matching skirts or boots that link to articles that identify what dolls or fashion packs these came from.
What series of dolls, fashions, accessories, years or whatever do you want to see first? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for being a fellow doll fan all these years and sticking with the site even though I only update about once a year.
Thanks for being patient with me while I moved from a personal opinion blog to a more objective reference site.